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For health and quality of life:
early urological diagnosis. Simple. Accessible.

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Erfahre mehr über die Gründer von Streamcheck

We are Streamcheck.

We know that nobody likes going to the doctor. Men, unlike women, are simply not made aware of the need for check-ups and preventive care. We refuse to accept the health problems that arise from this! With our technology, we are helping men to take their health seriously and detect diseases early on – from the comfort of their own home.

Our mission is to make urological early detection simple, accessible and easy to understand. We want every man to have the chance to stay healthy and maintain his quality of life.

How it all began.

Streamcheck was born out of a simple idea on 26 January 2023: men should be able to take care of their health without it being complicated or uncomfortable.

We know that many men avoid going to the doctor, especially when it comes to urological issues. That's why we developed a solution that eliminates the need for the first visit to the doctor's office while still providing medically sound results. With our smart technology, you can perform regular checks from the comfort of your own home and find out immediately whether everything is in order.
Streamcheck Gründer Sebastian Heidrich, Prof. Dr. Stefan Siemer, Sebastian Janus
Unsere Mission mit Streamcheck erklärt

What we want now.

Our mission is to support men in taking their health into their own hands. We want the topic of urological early detection to no longer be a taboo. To achieve this, we are making the necessary technology and knowledge accessible to everyone. We focus on the individual – we are convinced that every man should have the opportunity for early detection and thus better treatment of diseases.

What we want in the future.

In the future, we see Streamcheck as a clinical thermometer in every bathroom. We want to become the standard for health care at home. Our goal is to enable everyone to check their health regularly and thus lead a longer and healthier life. We not only want to prevent illnesses, but also help relieve the burden on the health care system and save costs.
Urologische Früherkennung von Zuhause: mit unserem Gerät und unserer App

The minds behind Streamcheck.

Sebastian Heidrich

Sebastian Heidrich

As a passionate entrepreneur, Sebastian Heidrich has more than 25 years of experience in founding and building companies. With his expertise in sales and production, he now wants to lead Streamcheck GmbH to success as managing director.

Sebastian Janus, M.A.

Sebastian Janus has been developing digital marketing strategies for international companies for over 10 years, supporting them in implementing growth campaigns. As managing director of Streamcheck, he is now also applying his expertise to the field of urology.
Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Siemer

Prof. Dr. Stefan Siemer

Prof. Stefan Siemer is deputy director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Urology and Paediatric Urology at Saarland University. As a member of various professional associations, he has published numerous book chapters, scientific publications and lectures nationally and internationally.
Prof. Dr. Uwe Stolzenburg

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jens-Uwe Stolzenburg

Prof. Dr Jens-Uwe Stolzenburg is the Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Urology at the University Hospital Leipzig. He also works as a urologist in a private practice. He is nationally known for laparoscopic and robot-assisted surgery and is invited to perform demonstration surgeries worldwide.
Dr. Christian Wagner

Dr. med. Christian Wagner

Christian Wagner is the head physician of the Clinic for Urology, Urological Oncology and Robotic Surgery at the St. Antonius Hospital in Gronau and is a renowned specialist in innovative medical technology procedures such as the so-called robotic surgery technique. As a specialist in urology, the topic of men's health is also particularly close to his heart.
Prof. Dr. Christian Gratzke

Prof. Dr. Christian Gratzke

Prof. Dr. Christian Gratze is the Medical Director of the Urology Clinic at the University Hospital in Freiburg. He is a member of the guideline commission for ‘benign prostate enlargement’ of the German Society of Urology and the European Society of Urology, and he played a leading role in publishing the guidelines of the commission. His clinical and scientific focus is on benign prostate enlargement and on surgical and medical therapy of prostate cancer.
Falk Schoenfeld

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Falk Schoenfeld

As a trained toolmaker and mechanical engineer, Falk Schoenfeld has found his calling. In addition to his passion for mechanical engineering and production technology, he is involved in product development in the areas of hardware, software and electronics.
Raquel Tort

Raquel Tort

Quality management is her passion. At Streamcheck, Raquel Tort ensures that this is precisely the case! She is also responsible for all documentation relating to certification.
Luca Petriconi

Luca Petriconi, M.A.

As marketing manager, Luca Petriconi takes care of everything related to the advertising that comes from Streamcheck.
Alexandra Pöhl

Alexandra Pöhl, B.A.

Alexandra Pöhl has found her passion: after several years in online marketing and managing various projects on the agency side, she is now applying her passion as a digital project manager to our medical product Streamcheck.
Anni Preis

Anni Preis, M.A.

The product is close to Anni Preis's heart. As an investor and freelancer, her responsibilities include product design.
Lisa-Marie Zimmermann

Lisa-Marie Zimmermann

Lisa-Marie Zimmermann is the heart and soul of Streamcheck. She takes care of all organisational matters, plans our company events and is always on hand to help our management with advice and support.
Alexander Reiprich

Alexander Reiprich, B.A.

Alexander Reiprich is currently still in his master's programme, but he is working hard on our app as a student trainee, because development is his passion!
Marko Buschner

Marko Buschner

Marko Buschner is on board to make sure that everything related to Streamcheck looks good: he takes care of all design-related matters concerning the brand, be it the app design, our website or advertising material.
Streamcheck Team Alias

Frank Mayer-Potschak

As an entrepreneur, Frank Mayer-Potschak came to us in the form of an investor. However, he was so enthusiastic about the product that he seized the opportunity and is now heavily involved in app development.