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By urologists for urologists.

With the aim of improving urological screening for all.
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Streamcheck von Urologen für Urologen
Developed by urologists in collaboration with
Universitätsklinikum Leipzig Logo
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg Logo

A benefit for you and your practice.

Early urological diagnosis must become more tangible. With our technology, which we devised and developed together with urologists, you can bring uroflow measurement to your patients at home.

The result: long-term data, more educated patients, time savings and additional revenue.

All you have to do is apply to become a Streamcheck urologist. Would you like to find out more? Register now for our next information event:
Registration for the webinar with Prof. Siemer
Streamcheck ist ein Gewinn für Ihre Praxis
Streamcheck App

Help patients who already know what is wrong with them.

Sound data from regular measurements with clear results and medical categorisation. Your preliminary work is done. For a more efficient day-to-day practice.

Together with us. For you.

Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Siemer

‘The medical report saves time and gives us a good overview of our patients' state of health.’
Prof.Dr. med Christian Gratzke

Prof. Dr. Christian Gratzke

‘It motivates me in my work that we can now recognise changes more quickly and react to them accordingly.’
Prof. Dr. Uwe Stolzenburg

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jens-Uwe Stolzenburg

‘Even though I enjoy operating, I'm pleased that we can now intervene earlier to avoid surgery.’
Dr. Wagner

Dr. med. Christian Wagner

‘It is extremely beneficial that we can now monitor urological changes thanks to reliable data.’

Der nächste Schritt in Sachen Digitalisierung: Bessere Daten
für bessere Diagnosen.

Why Streamcheck?

As a medical device, the Streamcheck comprises a patent-pending, easy-to-use measuring device. Used at home, it collects valuable information from the urine - including the urine flow, volume and duration of voiding.

An integrated test strip additionally analyses biochemical data that provides information on several biomarkers such as sugar and protein content, leucocytes or blood in the urine.

The collected information is then stored in the associated app, analysed and documented in the form of a trend analysis. This enables the patient to recognise even the smallest changes in the urine at an early stage and receive recommendations for action. The patient also receives a quarterly report, which is available to you as a doctor for medical assessment.
Warum Streamcheck
Medizinischer Fachbericht Mockup

A report for patients and doctors.

Once a quarter, a medical report is automatically generated from the patient's previous measurements in easy-to-understand language, but still meaningful for you.

This allows you to see all the relevant data at a glance. In addition to the patient's medical history, the report also contains the results of the uroflowmetry, the IPSS score and the results of the biomarker analyses.

Sie möchten mehr erfahren? Hier geht es zur ausführlichen Erläuterung:

Der Medizinische Fachbericht erklärt

Timetable for the Streamcheck release.


Product development

Focus on product development and the composition of a specialist group consisting of leading urologists in Germany.


Development of a functioning prototype measuring device and submission of the patent family.


Approval of Streamcheck as a medical device and realisation of a market study with 100 test persons.


Planned market entry in Q1 2025 to revolutionise urological early detection and enable optimal treatment of urological diseases.

Streamcheck for patients and doctors.

We are personally committed to sensitising men to early urological diagnosis. We are a team of ambitious experts who are not only interested in helping patients, but also in making doctors' day-to-day work easier and more efficient.
Streamcheck Team
Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Siemer

Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Siemer

‘Ever since I heard about the idea of Streamcheck, I've been hooked. We are creating something great here that will not only benefit patients, but also us as doctors. ’
Nutzererfahrung Streamcheck

Herr Thomas Müller

“Meine ersten Symptome habe ich gut in den Griff bekommen. Meine Frau freut es. Jetzt kann auch sie wieder durchschlafen.”

Become a part of Streamcheck now.

In our CME specialist webinar with Prof Stefan Siemer, MD, you will receive comprehensive information on our product and the latest treatment procedures in the field of uroflometry. Stay informed and be the first to hear about our next CME webinar.
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Frequently asked questions

What distinguishes Streamcheck from conventional test strips?

The test strips only provide information on whether biochemical values are elevated. A urine flow measurement, which provides further important information, is missing. The user must analyse the self-test themselves - without receiving any recommendations for action.

Can multiple users use the device?

Up to six users can be stored in the application. It can be configured for different users. This means you can also use Streamcheck in your practice and integrate it into your everyday practice routine.

Was the device tested as part of a study?

We are testing the stream check. However, the final results of the study are not yet available.

Is the device certified?

The device is currently undergoing the certification process and will then be certified as a medical device in accordance with ISO 13485.