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Nächtlichen Harndrang bekämpfen
Ständig nachts auf die Toilette müssen

Do you have to go to the toilet all the time?

Frequent urination can severely impact your life and restrict you in many ways. Constantly feeling the need to use the toilet can significantly disrupt your daily activities.

Do you wonder why you keep waking up and having to use the toilet several times during the night? Or do you feel insecure during the day because you always have to know where the nearest toilet is?

Frequent urination can severely limit your social activities. Do you perhaps avoid certain places or events because you are afraid that there will be no toilet nearby? Your professional and private life can suffer if you are constantly searching for a toilet.

The good news is that you are not alone and there are solutions. You don't have to accept the restrictions – there are ways to get your life and freedom back. Are you ready to do something about it?

Streamcheck helps you to track your urine and filter out its values. This way, you can find out the cause of your frequent urination without visiting a doctor and take appropriate action.

Find out the cause with Streamcheck
Die Ursachen für nächtlichen Harndrang erkennen


Nutzererfahrung Streamcheck

Matthias Wagner

"Die Kontrolle über meine Symptome habe ich nun im Griff. Meine Frau ist erleichtert, denn jetzt kann sie wieder ruhig schlafen."
Nutzererfahrung Streamcheck

Thomas Müller

"Ich muss nicht mehr ständig zum Arzt. Das war immer stressig. Jetzt fühle ich mich deutlich entlastet."
Nutzererfahrung Streamcheck

Rami Mansour

"Ich war mir nicht sicher, wie sehr es mich betreffen könnte. Jetzt weiß ich, dass es besser ist, rechtzeitig Vorsorge zu treffen."
Nutzererfahrung Streamcheck

Philipp Schneider

"Ich behalte meine Gesundheit im Auge und kann sie nachverfolgen, wann immer es nötig ist. Egal ob heute oder in Zukunft."

Frequent urination:
recognising and understanding the causes

Nachts durchschlafen können
If you've been waking up frequently to use the bathroom, there could be a few reasons for it. One common cause is an enlarged prostate or other urinary tract issues that can interfere with the normal flow of urine and disrupt your sleep.

With Streamcheck, you have the option to investigate this cause in more detail. This medical device has been developed to check the health of your prostate and urinary tract discreetly and in the comfort of your own home. It offers an easy way to detect potential problems early on.

Streamcheck allows you to measure and analyse your urine flow to see if there are signs of prostate disease or other urinary tract problems that are causing your frequent urination. This analysis is an important step in finding out if there is a physical cause for your frequent trips to the toilet.

The application is straightforward and does not require a doctor's visit. You can learn more about your health in a simple and discreet way, without having to have an uncomfortable conversation. Streamcheck gives you a reliable method for better understanding the causes of your frequent urination. This way, you can take the necessary steps to improve your health and quality of life.

Unsere Streamcheck App

Do you still have questions? You can find the answers here!


Can a self-test help me solve my problems?

Yes, because the internationally recognised IPSS (International Prostate Symptom Score) questionnaire is used to assess the severity of prostate problems. It contains seven specific questions that cover symptoms such as frequent urination and problems with urination. Each question is scored on a scale of 0 to 5. The total score indicates the extent of your symptoms and helps you and your doctor decide on further treatment steps.

Take a few minutes to better understand your current situation free of charge.
Take the self-test now for free
Jetzt Männergesundheit überprüfen
Urologische Früherkennung von Zuhause: mit unserem Gerät und unserer App

Easily identify the causes. With Streamcheck.

Get comprehensive insights into the causes of your complaints. With Streamcheck, you can do it from home.

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