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Take away the pain. Prevention instead of cure.

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Wieso habe ich Prostataschmerzen?

Get to the bottom of your prostate pain.

Prostate abdominal pain can be disconcerting for you as a man, but it is important to take these symptoms seriously. Pain in the abdomen can indicate problems with the prostate gland, which are often associated with inflammation, infection or enlargement of the prostate.
If you feel pain like this, it could be prostatitis, an inflammation of the prostate gland that can be caused by bacteria. Symptoms include frequent, painful urination, pain in the lower back or perineal area. Sometimes these pains also occur with fever or chills. An enlarged prostate, which often occurs with age, can also cause abdominal pain and make it difficult for you to urinate.

An early diagnosis using Streamcheck can help detect the causes of your pain.
Find out the cause with Streamcheck
Muss ich wegen meiner Prostata zum Arzt?


Nutzererfahrung Streamcheck

Matthias Wagner

"Die ersten Anzeichen habe ich jetzt im Griff. Meine Frau freut sich, denn sie kann endlich wieder durchschlafen."
Nutzererfahrung Streamcheck

Thomas Müller

"Ich muss nicht mehr ständig zum Arzt. Das war immer stressig. Jetzt fühle ich mich deutlich entlastet."
Nutzererfahrung Streamcheck

Rami Mansour

"Ich habe erst später verstanden, dass es mich betreffen wird. Jetzt kann ich aber besser vorbeugen und erste Symptome frühzeitig erkennen."
Nutzererfahrung Streamcheck

Philipp Schneider

"Ich behalte meine Gesundheit im Auge und kann sie nachverfolgen, wann immer es nötig ist. Egal ob heute oder in Zukunft."

Free yourself from uncertainty.

Streamcheck App
If you have been experiencing abdominal pain or discomfort in the pelvic area recently, this could indicate a number of different health issues. One common cause is prostate problems, which often manifest themselves as pain or a feeling of pressure in the abdomen.

With Streamcheck, you can examine these symptoms more closely. It offers a simple way to detect potential problems early on.
Streamcheck helps you monitor and analyse your symptoms to see if there are signs of prostate disease or other abdominal problems – without the need to see a doctor. Streamcheck enables you to record and analyse your symptoms quickly and easily from home.
The application is intuitive and does not require a doctor's visit. You can learn more about your state of health in a simple and discreet way, without having to have unpleasant conversations. With Streamcheck, you get a reliable method to better understand the causes of your complaints. This way, you can take the necessary steps to improve your health and quality of life.
Auszüge aus dem medizinischen Fachbericht

Do you still have questions? You can find the answers here!


Goodbye uncertainty –
welcome Streamcheck.

Streamcheck is an innovative medical device that offers you a simple and discreet way to monitor your urine flow and volume from the comfort of your own home.
The device has been developed to provide accurate and convenient health monitoring. It measures and analyses important parameters such as the duration of urination and biochemical markers in the urine, including glucose, proteins, leukocytes and blood. These values are crucial for detecting possible health changes at an early stage.
The data collected is automatically transferred to the associated app, which provides a clear display and detailed analysis. With comprehensive trend analysis, the app helps you to detect even the smallest changes. This information is not only valuable for your personal health monitoring, but can also be used regularly as a detailed medical report for your doctor.

Streamcheck is user-friendly, durable and easy to clean, making it an ideal tool for daily health monitoring. It offers a stress-free way to detect potential health problems early and identify causes without the need for a doctor's visit. If you are unsure about anything or need to discuss your concerns with a doctor, you have the option of speaking to a Streamcheck doctor quarterly.
Get your own streamcheck
Warum Streamcheck

Want to get started right away? Take the self-test!

The internationally recognised International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) questionnaire is used to assess the severity of prostate symptoms. It consists of seven questions that specifically address symptoms such as frequent urination and difficulty urinating. Each question is scored on a scale of 0 to 5. The resulting overall score gives you and your doctor important information about the extent of your symptoms and helps you decide on possible treatment options. Simply take a few minutes to better assess your current situation for free.
Take the free self-test now
Jetzt Prostata testen
Urologische Früherkennung von Zuhause: mit unserem Gerät und unserer App

Be more informed about your health from now on.

Get a comprehensive insight into the causes of your complaints – from the comfort of your own home with Streamcheck and without a doctor's visit.
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