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Do you really have an overview of everything?
As a tech enthusiast and someone who constantly monitors their health, you use the best tools to measure your vital signs and optimise your fitness.
You keep a meticulous eye on your health and rely on the latest technological developments. So you know how important it is to collect and analyse accurate data. But do you really know exactly what is going on in your entire body? Along with blood, urine is the most important fluid in the body. You can learn the most about yourself from it.
You keep a meticulous eye on your health and rely on the latest technological developments. So you know how important it is to collect and analyse accurate data. But do you really know exactly what is going on in your entire body? Along with blood, urine is the most important fluid in the body. You can learn the most about yourself from it.
The health of your prostate and urinary tract has probably been ignored so far. Simply because the appropriate means have been lacking until now. This is where Streamcheck comes in – an innovative tool that enables you to check your urine flow strength and various biomarkers from the comfort of your own home.
Get started with Streamcheck
Matthias Wagner
"Die ersten Anzeichen habe ich jetzt im Griff. Meine Frau freut sich, denn sie kann endlich wieder durchschlafen."
Thomas Müller
"Ich verbringe nicht mehr so viel Zeit in Arztpraxen. Das war immer stressig. Jetzt habe ich endlich Entlastung."
Rami Mansour
"Ich habe erst später verstanden, dass es mich betreffen wird. Jetzt kann ich aber besser vorbeugen und erste Symptome frühzeitig erkennen."
Philipp Schneider
"Mit dieser Lösung habe ich meine Gesundheit stets im Auge und kann sie überwachen – heute, morgen und immer, wenn es nötig ist."
Never miss a thing again.
The Streamcheck is a new medical device designed as a user-friendly device for checking urine flow. It allows for simple and discreet monitoring of urine flow rate, volume and voiding time directly in the home.
In addition, an integrated test strip is used to measure biochemical parameters such as glucose, proteins, leukocytes and blood in the urine, which serve as important indicators of various health conditions.
In addition, an integrated test strip is used to measure biochemical parameters such as glucose, proteins, leukocytes and blood in the urine, which serve as important indicators of various health conditions.
After use, the collected data is stored and analysed in the corresponding app. The app documents the results in a clear trend analysis that allows you to identify even the smallest changes at an early stage.
An additional benefit: every three months, you will receive a detailed report that can be used for medical evaluation.
The device is durable, hygienically designed and easy to clean, making it a practical and regularly usable health care tool for every household.
An additional benefit: every three months, you will receive a detailed report that can be used for medical evaluation.
The device is durable, hygienically designed and easy to clean, making it a practical and regularly usable health care tool for every household.
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Our biomarkers for your health at a glance.
Biomarkers are measurements that provide valuable information about biological processes and general health. Streamcheck analyses your urine for the following biomarkers:
pH: indicates whether urine is acidic or alkaline; unusual values may indicate possible infections.
Nitrite: A marker that may indicate bacterial infections, as nitrite is not normally found in urine.
Leukocytes: White blood cells in the urine can be a sign of inflammation.
Blood: may indicate infection, kidney stones or more serious conditions such as cancer.
Glucose: should not normally be present in urine. Its presence may indicate diabetes.
Protein: Protein in the urine can be a sign of kidney problems.
Open questions, clear answers.
How accurate are the measurements provided by the stream check compared to conventional laboratory tests?
Streamcheck provides highly accurate results that are generally comparable to those of conventional laboratory tests. It was developed to deliver reliable and clinically useful data directly at the patient's home. Nevertheless, it may be useful to conduct a laboratory test in addition for critical values.
How often should I use Streamcheck to get reliable data?
It is recommended that the Streamcheck be used regularly, i.e. several times a month, in order to obtain meaningful trend data. However, the frequency can vary depending on the individual's state of health.
What data is stored in the app and how is it analysed?
The app stores detailed data on your urine flow strength, the biomarkers recorded and their progression over time. This data is analysed and presented in a clear trend analysis that allows you to track changes over time.
How hygienic and easy to clean is the Streamcheck?
The streamcheck is specially designed so that it can be cleaned easily and thoroughly. The materials are robust and hygienic, which makes repeated use safe and uncomplicated.
Can the Streamcheck also be used by other family members, and how is the data separated in this case?
Yes, the Streamcheck can be used by several family members. The app allows the creation of individual profiles so that the data can be managed separately and clearly.
Are there regular updates for the app or the software of the stream check?
The developers of Streamcheck provide regular updates to improve the functionality and security of the app. These updates are provided automatically so that you can always benefit from the latest improvements.
Can Streamcheck identify potential problems before symptoms occur?
Yes, the streamcheck is designed to detect anomalies in the recorded values at an early stage, even before visible symptoms appear. This enables proactive health monitoring and early detection of potential problems.
How secure is my health data in the app and how is it protected?
Your health data is protected using modern encryption technologies and stored securely in the app. Data protection is our top priority, so only you and, if applicable, your doctor have access to this sensitive information.
Why is a trend analysis so important?
The Streamcheck trend analysis is important because it recognises subtle changes in the urine flow rate and other parameters over a longer period of time. This continuous monitoring helps to identify health problems early on by showing how your values develop. This way, you can quickly recognise deviations from your personal normal values and take preventive action if necessary. In addition, the trend analysis provides your doctor with valuable data for a well-founded diagnosis and decision on possible treatment measures.
Why should I do it at home?
Measuring your urine flow at home with Streamcheck offers clear advantages over a doctor's examination. While uroflowmetry only provides a snapshot, Streamcheck allows you to monitor your urine flow regularly in your natural environment. This continuous data collection makes gradual changes in the urine flow visible, which could indicate bladder emptying disorders or a weakening of the urine stream. This enables you to identify potential problems at an early stage that might otherwise go unnoticed in a single measurement at the doctor's office.
Do you want to learn more about your body?
Then download our free and comprehensive health guide ‘Healthy Aging - A Guide for Men 40+’ now! Among other things, it covers the most important points on the topics of prostate, organ and mental health.
Request it now for free100% focus on your health.
With Streamcheck, you can stay informed about your health. Completely. Easily. From home. Without a doctor's visit.
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