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More years worth living with Streamcheck.
Simple. Tangible.

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Mehr lebenswerte Jahre mit Streamcheck.
Einfach. Greifbar.
Developed by urologists in collaboration with
Universitätsklinikum Leipzig Logo
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg Logo

Men like us need to take their health more seriously.

The Streamcheck medical device comprises our patent-pending, easy-to-use measuring device. It collects valuable information from urine in the bathroom at home - including urine flow, volume and duration of voiding.

An integrated test strip also analyses biochemical data that provides information on ten biomarkers, such as the sugar and protein content of the urine, and thus indicates possible bladder or kidney diseases .
Streamcheck mit App
Sorgenfrei im Alter mit Streamcheck
Noticeably reduce urination at night
Relieve discomfort during urination
Rediscovering joy as a couple

Your urological screening for at home and when travelling.

With urine analysis and evaluation of important biomarkers via app, you can prevent and counteract urological diseases and give your life a more relaxed outlook.

Streamcheck is your reliable partner in urological screening. Easy to use, easy to understand, effective results.

Wo stehst du? Mach den Selbsttest.

Jetzt Selbsttest machen
Wo stehst du? Mach den Selbsttest!

Where do you stand? Do the self-test.

Carry out a free self-test now
Selbsttest Prostata Gesundheit
Mehr Informationen zum Fachkreis

Better results. More impact. New motivation.

Information for urologists, general practitioners and pharmacists.
Working group for doctors

Without a visit to the doctor. Without waiting times. Without inhibitions. With success.

With regular measurements, comprehensible results and medical categorisation, we achieve results together. Consciously and at an early stage. For your health.
Streamcheck App

Unique: The new generation of early detection. Conceived for you. Boldly made.

The combination of regular urinary flow measurement including biochemical data and trend analysis makes Streamcheck an indispensable, unique technology in urology.
Answers to frequently asked questions

Einzigartig: Die neue Generation der Früherkennung. Für dich erdacht. Mutig gemacht.

Die Kombination aus regelmäßiger Harnflussmessung inklusive biochemischer Daten und Trendanalyse machen Streamcheck zu einer unverzichtbaren, einzigartigen Technologie in der Urologie.
Antworten auf häufige Fragen
Prof. Dr. Siemer

Severe courses of the disease can be avoided.

'Today, 20 per cent of all men over the age of 50 suffer from benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). Meaningful data, long-term measurements and early treatment not only help men, but also us doctors and the healthcare system, which is noticeably relieved.' - Prof. Dr Stefan Siemer, Deputy Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Urology and Paediatric Urology at Saarland University


Nutzererfahrung Streamcheck

Matthias Wagner

“Meine ersten Symptome habe ich gut in den Griff bekommen. Meine Frau freut es. Jetzt kann auch sie wieder durchschlafen.”
Nutzererfahrung Streamcheck

Thomas Müller

“Jetzt verbringe ich meine Zeit nicht mehr nur beim Arzt. Das war immer Stress. Eine echte Erleichterung für mich.”
Nutzererfahrung Streamcheck

Rami Mansour

“Mir war das gar nicht so bewusst. Das betrifft mich aber irgendwann. Deshalb besser jetzt anfangen und frühe Symtome erkennen.”
Nutzererfahrung Streamcheck

Philipp Schneider

“Damit behalte ich meine Gesundheit immer im Auge und kann sie tracken. Heute. Morgen. Jeder Zeit.”
Streamcheck Team

Streamcheck is a statement for men's health.

We are personally committed to raising men's awareness of early urological diagnosis. We are a team of ambitious experts.

Stay curious with us! Sign up for our newsletter.

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Stay healthy and fit in old age! Request a free guide now.

Our free health guide ‘Healthy Ageing - A Guide for Men 40+’ provides you with comprehensive information on topics such as prostate health, organ function and mental strength. Download it now and find out everything you need to know about physical fitness, nutrition and prevention!
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Warum Streamcheck

Your health - your check.

Streamcheck allows you to stay in control of your health. Easily monitor important parameters such as urine flow, urine volume and biochemical markers from the comfort of your own home. Our user-friendly app provides you with a clear analysis of your results so that you are always well informed. No annoying visits to the doctor, no uncertainty - just use Streamcheck and stay relaxed!
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